elin flognman
art jewellery

CV (swedish, scroll for english)
Klimt02: http://klimt02.net/jewellers/elin-flognman
2020 Miljöhistoria och ekokritik 15hp, LIR Humanistiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet
2019 Skrivandet som konstnärligt verktyg (ht) 7,5hp, HDK, Göteborgs Universitet
2017 Infattningar och sammanfogningar, 7,5 hp, Högskolan för design och konsthantverk, Göteborgs universitet
2017 Konstnärlig gestaltning av det offentliga rummet, 15 hp, Högskolan för design och konsthantverk, Göteborgs universitet
2013 Samtida konsthantverksteori 7,5 hp, Högskolan för design och konsthantverk, Göteborgs universitet
2013 MFA, konstnärlig masterexamen, konsthantverk avancerad nivå inriktning smyckekonst, Högskolan för design och konsthantverk, Göteborgs universitet
2010 BFA, konstnärlig kandidatexamen, konsthantverk inriktning smyckekonst, Högskolan för design och konsthatverk, Göteborgs universitet
2005–2007 Silversmide och konstnärlig gestaltning, Art College, Folkuniversitetet, Göteborg
1993–2001 Fristående kurser, Göteborgs universitet
Utställningar (urval)
2022 Utställning Ekonomi och konst, Not Quite, Fengersfors (maj)
2022 Potatisritual, 13 festivalen, konstepidemin, Göteborg (framflyttad 2023)
2021 Il Giardino dei Potatis (solo), Form/designcenter, 7xkonsthantverk, Malmö
2021 NYCJW, Charon Kransen Arts, NY, USA
2021 Sintra, fönsterutställning, Göteborg
2021 Enjoiat, A-FAD, Barcelona, selected finalists
2021 Performance Potatisparad med Pernilla Eskilsson, Göteborg, Gibca Extended
2021 Joya Barcelona, smyckekonstmässa, Barcelona, Spanien
2020 Solanum (duo), Galleri Platina, Stockholm
2020 Restart#4, Mix Art Gallery, Amsterdam, Nederländerna
2020 Samtida smycken–tankar, material och tekniker, Form och designcenter, Malmö
2020 Vulgaris (duo), Not Quite, Fengersfors
2019 Craft week, Stockholm KHVC, show wall, https://konsthantverkscentrum.org/sv.html
2019 WERT/voll, Umweltbundesamt Dessau, Grassi Museum Leipzig
2019 Influences Passion Transform our Work, Munich and Padua
2019 Diveristy Galore, ATTA Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
2018 Galleri Putti, Metamorphosis of the pearl, Riga, Lithuania
2018 Gioielli In Fermento, jurerad grupputställning, Piacenza, Italien (maj)
2018 ABC, grupputställning, Melting Point Biennale, Valencia, Spanien
2018 Mellanrum, Konstfrämjandet Skåne Konsthantverkscentrum, Galleri St.Gertrud, Malmö
2018 Influences, Schmuck week, Benjamin Eck Galerie, München, Tyskland
2018 Du säger potatis. Jag säger potatis.(solo) Kaleido konsthantverk, Uppsala
2017 Steinbesser, designuppdrag, Amsterdam, Nederländerna
2017 Jewelry and chocolate, Joya Barcelona, Spanien
2017 After Joya Effect, Popeye loves Olive, Aten, Grekland
2017 Un Commún–In Common (duo), Sevilla, Spanien
2017 Ironically Iconic, Design Week, Milano, Italien
2017 Time Perseption Vol.3, Hatara Project, Art Gallery Lovaas, München, Tyskland
2016 Magical Tales From Grandfathers Beard, Art Gallery Putti, Riga, Lettland
2016 Representerad av Charon Kransen arts, New York, USA
2016 JOYA, Barcelona art jewellery fair, Barcelona, Spanien
2016 Legacy Collection, Galleri Alliages, Melting Point, Valencia, Spanien
2016 Potatistid (solo), Galleri Lerverk, Göteborg
2015 Antonym, Gallerie Alja&Friends, Wien, Österrike
2015 Transmission, Studio 411, Montpellier, France
2015 The Legacy Award, Alliages, Joya, Barcelona
2015 Rooted Swedish Art Jewellery, Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery, Salts Mill, Saltaire. UK
2015 So Fresh So Clean, Second Annual Ethical Metalsmiths International Student Exhibition, online
2015 CAOS (Contemporary Art of Sjuntorp), Sjuntorp, Sverige
2015 The after JOYA effect, Galleri Popeye loves Olive, Aten, Grekland
2015 SENSEability, Galleri V & V, Wien, Österrike
2015 Enmarcado (solo), Galleri Amaranto Joies, Barcelona, Spanien
2015 Autor, Bukarest, Rumänien
2015 SENSEability, Studio Gabi Green, München, Tyskland
2015 Impression : trace left by a person, Gallerie Alliages, Lille, Frankrike
2014 Kedjereaktion, Galleri Two Little Birds, Göteborg
2014 Drömmarnas flygsällskap, Fabriksgatan 48, Göteborg
2014 JOYA Barcelona, Spanien
2014 Jewellery exchange 2014, www.facebook.com/thejewelryexchange2014
2014 Lokal produktion [local production], fönsterutställning/performance, Trollhättan
2013 Bring back the dead. Whitespace Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
2013 Man ska ha husvagn. [You need a caravan] Travelling exhibition
2013 Marzee Graduate Show 2013. Nijmegen, Netherlands
2013 Dräktmod. [costume courage] Kulturen i Lund, Lund
2012 Hitta här. [Find here] Nääs konsthantverk, projektrummet, Lerum
2012 Alla skall ha medalj. [Medals for everyone] Röda Sten, Göteborg
Uppdrag och samarbeten
2021– Opponent masterexamination smyckekonst, HDK-Valand, Göteborgs Universitet
2019– Gästlärare, kandidat smyckekonst (ht), HDK, Göteborgs Universitet
2019– Gästlärare, sommarkurs Bild och yta, HDK, Göteborgs Universitet
2018– 2019 Vik. Programansvarig kandidat smyckekonst, HDK, Göteborgs Universitet
2016– 2019 Rådgivande i stipendienämnden för Göteborgs stads kulturstipendier
2015–2019 Rådgivande i referensgrupp för ateljéstöd, Göteborgs stad Kultur
2012–2019 Kursledare silversmide. Folkuniversitetet, Trollhättan
2014– Kedjereaktion, Galleri Two Little Birds, Göteborg
2014– Workshop ÖPpen planlösning, Konsthallen Vänersborg
2014– Workshop Big Draw, Akvarellmuséet, Skärhamn
2014– Assistent till Mah Rana (UK), Meanings and Attachments, Skövde Konsthall
2014– Diskoteka Raduga, skulptur i offentlig miljö på uppdrag av Trollhättans stad
2014– The space, Vittring, skulptur i offentlig miljö på uppdrag av Trollhättans stad
2013– Workshop unga bygger ljusskulptur, projekt lett av Kulturverkstan Göteborg
2013– GIBCA-extended Vittring vandrande workshop Vänersborg-Trollhättan
2011–2012 Högskoleverket, expertgrupp, kvalitetssäkring av konstnärliga högskoleutbildningar
2012– Workshop. Röhsska muséet, Göteborg
2012– Assistent till Chitra Ganesh (USA). Konsthallen, Göteborg, chitraganesh.com
2011–2012 Samarbete Sinfonia per due violini, Fredrik Hagstedt, kompositör. medvetenhetsverkstad.se/sinfonia
2019 Make, make, make, Lisa Walker, Lissabon, Portugal
2018 From 2d to 3d, Eja Mustonen, KORU, Imatra, Finland
2016 Rewriting your own script, Charon Kransen seminar, Gioelli in Fermento, Italien
2014 Transhumance: The Sense of Place and Pasture, Walka Studios, Konstepidemin, Göteborg
2012 Incitare – enter the city. Gemma Draper (Spain), Barcelona
2012 Ulrich Reithofer (Austria), HDK, Göteborg
2010 Gemma Draper (Spain), HDK, Göteborg
2009 The Box. Hot Week, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Norway
2009 Obsesse and Collect. Lisa Walker (New Zeeland), HDK, Göteborg
2008 Blow Up. Karin Seufert (Germany), HDK, Göteborg
2007 Move your ass – and your mind will follow. Ulrich Reithofer (Austria), HDK, Göteborg
2021 Nominerad till årets potatisinspiratör av Svensk Potatis
2021 Finalist Enjoiat awards, Barcelona
2019 Resestipendium, Helge Axon Jonssons stiftelse
2018 Konstnärsnämnden, ettårigt arbetsstipendium
2018 Nominerad till Gioielli in Fermento award
2017 Göteborgs slöjdförening stipendium
2015 Nominerad till Arts & Crafts Design Award 2015
2014 Autors pris JOYA Barcelona
2013 Inköp HDK
2012 Otto & Charlotte Mannheimer
2008 Fredrika Bremerstipendiat
Musée du Bijou Contemporain, Cagnes-sur-Mer
Museum of art Cincinnati
Charon Kransen art, NY, USA
Galleri Platina, Stockholm
Cv English
2021 Il Giardino dei Potatis, Form/designcenter Malmö
2021 GIBCA extended, performance, Potato Parade (sept)
2021 Window exhibition at Sintra
2020 Solanum (duo), Galleri Platina, Stockholm
2020 Restart#4, Mix Art Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2020 Contemporary Jewellery–thoughts, materials and techniques, Form and design center, Malmö
2020 Vulgaris, Duo with Sara Erkers, Not Quite, Fengersfors, Sweden
2019 Craft week, Stockholm KHVC, show wall, https://konsthantverkscentrum.org/sv.html
2019 WERT/voll, Umweltbundesamt Dessau and Grassi Museum Leipzig
2019 Influences Passion Transform our Work, Munich and Padua
2019 Diveristy Galore, ATTA Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
2018 Galleri Putti, Metamorphosis of the pearl, Riga, Lithuania
2018 Gioielli In Fermento award nomination, Villa Braghieri, Piacenza, Italy
2018 ABC, group exhibition, Melting Point, Valencia
2018 Mellanrum (In between), juried group exhibition, Galleri St Gertrud, Malmö
2018 Influences, Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich, Deutschland
2018 (solo) Du säger potatis. Jag säger potatis. (You say potato. I say potato) Kaleido, Uppsala
2017 Steinbeisser, design assignment, Amsterdam http://www.steinbeisser.org
2017 Joya Barcelona, jewelry and chocolate https://klimt02.net/events/exhibitions/jewels-chocolate-museu-de-la-xocolata
2017 After Joya Effect, Popeye loves Olive, Athens, Greece
2017 Un Commún–In Common (duo), Sevilla, Spanien https://klimt02.net/events/exhibitions/incommun-elin-flognman-and-camen-lopez-la-galeller
2017 Ironically Iconic, Milan Designweek, Milan Italy
2017 Time Perception Vol 3, Hatara project, Munich Germany
2016 Magical Tales From Grandfather’s Beard, Art Gallery Putti, Riga, Latvija
2016 JOYA, Barcelona art jewellery fair, Barcelona, Spain
2016 Legacy Collection, gallerie Alliages, Melting Point, Valencia, Spain
2016 Potat o’clock [Potatistid] (solo exhibition), Galleri Lerverk, Göteborg, Sweden
2015 Antonym, Gallerie Alja&Friends, Vienna, Autriche
2015 Transmission, Studio 411, Montpellier, France
2015 The Legacy Award, Alliages, Joya, Barcelona, Spain
2015 Rooted Swedish Art Jewellery, Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery, Salts Mill, Saltaire. UK
2015 So Fresh So Clean, Second Annual Ethical Metalsmiths International Student Exhibition, online
2015 CAOS (Contemporary Art of Sjuntorp), Sjuntorp, Sweden
2015 The after JOYA effect, Galleri Popeye loves Olive, Athens, Greece
2015 SENSEability, Galleri V & V, Vienna, Autriche
2015 Enmarcado, Galleri Amaranto Joies, Barcelona, Spain
2015 SENSEability, Gallery Victoria Sewart, Plymouth, UK
2015 Autor, Bucharest, Romania
2015 SENSEability, Studio Gabi Green, Munich, Germany
2015 Impression : trace left by a person, Gallerie Alliages, Lille, France
2014 Kedjereaktion [Chain Reaction], Galleri Two Little Birds, Göteborg
2014 Drömmarnas flygsällskap [Flight Association of Dreams], Fabriksgatan 48, Göteborg
2014 JOYA Barcelona, Spanien
2014 Jewellery exchange 2014, www.facebook.com/thejewelryexchange2014
2014 Lokal produktion [local production], shop window exhibition, Trollhättan
2013 Bring back the dead. Whitespace Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
2013 Man ska ha husvagn. [You need a caravan] Travelling exhibition
2013 Marzee Graduate Show 2013. Nijmegen, Netherlands
2020 Environmental history and ecocriticism 15hp, LIR University of Gothenburg
2019 Writing As Artistic Tool 7,5hp, HDK – School of Design and Crafts. University of Gothenburg
2017 Stone setting and jewellery techniques 7,5 HP, HDK – School of Design and Crafts. University of Gothenburg
2017 Art and Public Space 15 HP, HDK – School of Design and Crafts. University of Gothenburg
2013 contemporary craft theory 7,5 hp, HDK – School of Design and Crafts. University of Gothenburg
2013 MFA, Master of Fine Arts in Crafts, specialization Jewellery Art, HDK – School of Design and Crafts. University of Gothenburg
2010 BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts in Jewellery Art, HDK – School of Design and Crafts. University of Gothenburg
2005–2007 Silversmithing and artistic figuration. Art College, Folkuniversitetet, Gothenburg
Assignments and collaborations
2021– External reviewer of master exam, Department of art jewellery, HDK-Valand
2019– Guest teacher, bachelor program art jewellery, HDK, University of Gothenburg
2019– Guest teacher, summer course Image and surface, HDK, University of Gothenburg
2012– 2019 Silver smithing teacher. Folkuniversitetet, Trollhättan
2018– Lecturer, HDK, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden
2015– Board assignment for Göteborgs stad cultural departement
2014– Kedjereaktion (Chain Reaction), Galleri Two Little Birds, Göteborg, Sweden
2014– Workshop ÖPpen planlösning (Open Space), Art Gallery Vänersborg, Sweden
2014– Workshop Big Draw, Nordiska Akvarellmuséet, Skärhamn, Sweden
2014– Assistent to Mah Rana (UK), Meanings and Attachments, Skövde Konsthall, Sweden
2014– Diskoteka Raduga (Rainbow Disco), Sculpture on comission for the municipality of Trollhättan
2014– The space, Vittring, Sculpture on comission for the municipality of Trollhättan, Sweden
2013 Workshop light art sculpture, projekt lett av Kulturverkstan Göteborg
2011–2012 Högskoleverket, expertgrupp, kvalitetssäkring av konstnärliga högskoleutbildningar. [Swedish national agency for higher education: expert group on quality assessment of higher educations in fine arts]
2012 Workshop. Röhsska museum, Gothenburg
2012 Assistant for Chitra Ganesh (USA). Konsthallen, Gothenburg, chitraganesh.com
2011–2012 Collaboration Sinfonia per due violini, Fredrik Hagstedt, music composer. medvetenhetsverkstad.se/sinfonia
2012– Silver smithing teacher. Folkuniversitetet, Trollhättan
2018 New Brooches, Nicolas Estrada, Promopress
2018 Uppsala Nya Tidning, Hon gör smycken av potatisar
2015 Autor #2- The loving issue, A Potato Love Story by Elin Flognman
2013 Art Jewelery Forum, Lizzie Atkins 20131010, artjewelryforum.org/exhibition-reviews/marzee-graduate-show-2013
2012 Showcase 500 rings: new directions in art jewelry. Le Van, Hale & Metcalf (eds.) (2012).
2012 GöteborgsPosten, Alla skall ha medalj
2012 Fria Tidningen, Alla skall ha medalj
2009 Konsthantverk, 2/09, Ung svensk smyckekonst på Nääs, 17 självporträtt
2009 GöteborgsPosten, 17 självportätt